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Friday, May 1, 2015

Truth about Vaccines-LOTS OF INFO

Informative video about vaccines.

To start this blog off I'd like to reference my VACCINE INFO library of 100+ internet articles (most with links to original scientific or gov't sources) I've amassed on the short and long-term dangers & overblown value of vaccines- many written by our Gov't or credible Medical Societies or Institutions. Check them out!


NOTE: If you don't belong to pinterest and won't take the minute to join that free site you can peruse my public health posts on Facebook to see (even more) of the articles I recommend. It's not as fast but you will see more info. My public links on my personal Facebook page

They also are linked from TWITTER but many titles are missing 

Two large SAMPLES of available articles can be seen below 

UPDATED/Section added on 5/5

Here's some of what I have to say (very briefly) about vaccines:
Society is in a sad state...you take something with the potential for some temporary good but potential for toxicity, injury, and death as well and put it in the hands of corporations (Big Pharma) overseen by a corrupt agency (CDC) and take away all product liability for injury or death from vaccines and you've got a recipe for what continues to be a growing disaster. 
Vaccines are not safe enough and should not be one-size-fits-all and ALL vaccines should not (as not all vax are for communicable diseases) I repeat ALL should NOT be mandated for everyone especially babies and children especially with NO option to DELAY any - which would spread out the stress (so called "Immune-response")  that they have to cause to be even slightly effective with out overburdening potentially susceptible immune systems. It's not uncommon for an infant to receive 6-8 vaccinations at one visit! 

Sadly- No one is trying to find out and screen out the susceptible children before vaccination- that is beyond wrong!

Medical Doctors are NOT taught in Medical School anything in depth about vaccines- mainly just the CDC schedule and the "importance" of staying on it.

Most so called "anti-vaxers" are actually parents who did trust their doctors and vaccines until one or more of their children were injured, disabled, or killed by vaccines.

The number of vaccines kids get today is nothing like you or your children got 25 - 30 - 40 - 50+ years ago. The number of vaccines required went up exponentially after the liability was removed in 1986 by Reagan 

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on. 
Vaccines are a cash cow- no liability, huge market, great reputation to those who don't actually research for INDEPENDENT sources of science. Did you realize that exemptions (or homeschool options) are currently almost always an option as far as attending school. (But exemptions are under attack - bills are written and being funded by BIG PHARMA & then sponsored/ "authored" by politicians receiving HUGE political contributions from the same.)

The FDA rubber-stamps the Big Pharma corporation's vaccine safety studies (if any are done at all- research the flu vax' package insert- apparently no time for efficacy, safety or carcinogenic studies for the yearly vaccine) and the FDA does not independently check for safety!

Two large SAMPLES of available SUPPORTING articles can be seen below 

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