UPDATE 8/15/2016:
(over a year after starting oral Methyl B12)
BY PSYCHOLOGISTS (Phd's/ Drs. in NeuroPsych Eval),
it's formatted for printing and sharing!
NeuroPsych testing showed that
Communication skills DRASTICALLY improved
AFTER adding even just ORAL METHYL B12
from the 9th to 37th percentile
(Means he recently tested as being in the "AVERAGE" range) for his age!!
FYI- "Average" on the bell curve is between the 25th -75th percentile (90 -110 I.Q.)
RATED at the very bottom of "low average" on the bell curve
for his then Age: 8 yr 9 mo old (3rd grade)
AFTER Methyl B12- NeuroPsych results 12-2015... He TESTED despite ADHD & no Meds to help
solidly in the AVERAGE range communication wise for his now much older AGE Group!!
the 37th percentile (95 I.Q.)
aged 10 yrs 10 months - (5th grade)
went up 28 percentile points ABOVE expected normal growth
After hearing of this and then again after having our amazing quick results I was wondering... Where was this info all of his life?
Simple- I heard in the movie TRACE AMOUNTS that "Methyl B-12" would easily fuel an Autistic kid's brain (& all brains) & only methyl B12 could do it instantly so I found a high dose yummy fruity lozenge (natural & veg) version & tried it on my son.
FYI: Connor's Autism recovery story on the website www.traceamounts.com
(quoted below) is where I got the idea
"We jumped in full throttle then. Methyl b12 was added to the mix and my son turned
to me and said, “I love you mom” not long after."
Starting about one week after doing daily oral 10,000 mcg Methyl B-12 (not regular B-12- MUST be METHYL). I have seen differences in many of his deficient areas listed below and I didn't even find this list before today to know what exactly might improve!
Many of the below benefits are exactly what we’re noticing on Methyl B-12 almost immediately- after only one week of ORAL doses- (we're only 2 weeks in!)- you must try this cheap & easy treatment for #Autism
Methyl b12 and methylation
Want to see MORE about what methyl B12 can do for your Autistic
or otherwise delayed or impaired family member or friend?
See this form
Parent Designed Report Form,Methyl-B12 Evaluation Form
Want to see MORE about what methyl B12 can do for your Autistic
or otherwise delayed or impaired family member or friend?
See this form
Parent Designed Report Form,Methyl-B12 Evaluation Form
Here is the product we use- bought w/ Amazon Prime (amazon.com)
FB post 6/28/15
Great update! 6/28/15
About a one week after I started my boy on methyl B12 to help resolve his high functioning Autism (we're two weeks in now) I started to see quite a lot of improvement in his communication-he's making much longer sentences without stumbling on his word choice, expressing his thoughts much more fluently and making better verbal coherence of his world in addition to being more conversational and more interested in the people around him. So thrilled that he has improved so much so quickly! smile emoticon
About a one week after I started my boy on methyl B12 to help resolve his high functioning Autism (we're two weeks in now) I started to see quite a lot of improvement in his communication-he's making much longer sentences without stumbling on his word choice, expressing his thoughts much more fluently and making better verbal coherence of his world in addition to being more conversational and more interested in the people around him. So thrilled that he has improved so much so quickly! smile emoticon
This supplement was suggested by an Autism recovery story on the website of the awesome Documentary "Trace Amounts" which deals with mercury toxicity. (which I believe my son got in utero from my amalgams) A BIG THANK YOU to it's Writer/Director Eric Gladen for making a BIG difference in my son's life! smile emoticon
You too can watch the movie online for only $5.99 www.traceamounts.com - we streamed it to the big screen w/ Apple TV. smile emoticon
Year end Summary Dec '14-'15- IEP results- All 5 communication goals from progress reports
Fun video of autistic boy AFTER METHYL B12 making a lot of sense explaining a game
Hi. Can i use this on my two year old son with speech delay.
ReplyDeleteRead this information for how to learn what side effects are tolerable or intolerable and such. This is from the guy who discovered the protocol https://www.tacanow.org/family-resources/methyl-b12-a-treatment-for-asd-with-methylation-issues/
DeleteYes, not too young per MD above-check out the research I provided and u can do your own research. B12 is water soluble -no level of toxicity - child needs adequate potassium though which in our case wasn't an issue- might be more of an issue for the elderly or people on a bad diet.
if the lozenges don't help after a few months you may need to do injections instead- it's best done when child is asleep, in their bum, and can use topical anesthetic.