Featured Post

5 cavities HEALED in Autistic Child- YES YOU CAN - see how to easily cure a cavity quickly naturally w/ NO Fluoride

Only 2 supplements and in just a few months the cavities were healed. Medical science (Dentist) has confirmed it!  "arrested"...

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

There is no VP/Disease CRISIS in the school population- NO PROBLEM exists!

Trying to pass a law for a problem that has NOT been proven to exist.

The General Public's ASSUMPTIONS are WRONG:

There are not a lot of FULLY UNVACCINATED kids who go to CA schools mulling about!

Up until now PBE- Personal Belief Exemptions DO NOT MEAN that a parent hasn't vaccinated their child at all- in most cases the child HAS been and is being vaccinated!!

PBE have been allowed for parents who merely forgot their child's records, or were late in getting their child's shots due to distractions or forgetfulness. In addition some don't want OR NEED certain vaccines (say their child already had chickenpox), and/or WANT to DELAY or SPREAD out vaccines as to not be so burdensome on a child's immune system. (It's a vaccine's job to stress out the immune system- that's how it hopes to create some immunity.)

Parents want the freedom to decide IF, WHEN, and HOW MUCH stress and therefore RISK they want to put their children under.

How about finding out how many so called immunocompromised kids actually attend school and what do they do about the exposure to non-VPD? The common cold, many flu viruses,

CA Law protects children who have TB, Hep B or HIV (=let's them attend school).  Those children with DISEASES are allowed at school but healthy children who do not vaccinate -with even only one vax missing-are not?

CA law allows homeless and undocumented aliens to attend school w/o vaccination records.

The CDC says that people visiting the U.S. are the ones bringing the disease here (they say it MANY times on this website- that is the problem- WHY are we going after the school kids?

Watch this short excellent video on this topic

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Don't Fear-Measles has not been a deadly U.S. disease in a LONG time

Measles as shown on classic TV sitcoms
Donna Reed Show, Brady Bunch, etc.


The truth was out there It's a "no big deal" "kids disease" 

back In The Days Before The Marketing Of The Vaccine

Below- Measles in the Medical Literature

Check out what's in green BELOW the RED box- all the notations were made by an MD

Measles in the Medical Literature

Click HERE for LOADS of articles RE: measles-not-a-deadly-disease-in-the-us-anymore/

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Clean water and Sanitation (toilets) saved us! Not vaccines.

From PBS - “Dirty water has killed more humans than all the wars of history combined..."

Think our modern society was not dirty or unsanitary all that recently? Watch the first 2 min of this video from PBS (or scroll down) Episode-"The Story of Clean" from PBS Series "How We Got To Now"

 -most of what you need to know/learn is in the first minute.

Tubs not so long ago looked like this 
when you turned on the faucet
Skip to minute 7 in order to hear how the filth is addressed & how better things got health-wise

Learn about curing Typhoid and Cholera w/ sanitation (starting at about min 35:00)

Graph from Episode- "The Story of clean" 
from "How we got to now" series
Typhoid cured by Chlorination- not a vaccine
Video Synopsis from PBS - “Dirty water has killed more humans than all the wars of history combined ...in this episode He talks about John Leal, who deliberately "poisoned" the water supply of 200,000 people when, without authorization, he added chlorine, considered lethal in 1908, into Jersey City's water and made it safe to drink..."

VIDEO- "The Story of Clean" from PBS Series "How We Got To Now"
VIDEO- "The Story of Clean" from PBS Series "How We Got To Now"

I know we all hear how about vaccines saved society and now we know that's not true - here's a video to convince you- by PBS

Please share!! 

How We Got To Now with Steven Johnson is a six part documentary series that reveals the story behind the remarkable ideas that made modern life possible; the unsung heroes that brought them into the world – and the unexpected and bizarre consequences each of these innovations has triggered.


For LOTS MORE truly accurate info on Vaccines- most of my related research click on below link or here.

MANY Gov't & Medical sourced vax-articles-Proof-vaccines-are-not safe and effective


AS YOU CAN SEE by the below chart- BAD Things can happen from vaccines and the Gov't knows about and has paid over $3 BILLION to some of the injured/killed. (FYI- Since you can't sue the Pharmaceutical companies anymore you only get $250,000 for a vax killing your child.)

Ask yourself WHY can't you sue anymore? No other product is protected by the government from liability. Where is the incentive for SAFER products when there is no liability AND no independent testing and no long term SAFETY testing?

Previous Blog: RFK Jr. speaks about -confirmed by our own gov't-CDC Corruption here- & lack of vaccine safety


The (In)Effectiveness of Immunizations ->
Diseases include measles, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, pneumonia, influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio. All were in decline for several decades before the introduction of antibiotics or vaccines - Dr. Lawrence Wilson

Scientific study:
Diseases in Decline BEFORE Vaccines

Think sanitation is not that important or that detrimental?- check out this excerpt from Jan 2015- it's impact is HUGE
sourced from http://www.wired.com/2015/01/omniprocessor/

Here's a short eye opening video w/ almost 6.8 MILLION hits!

Plotting Life Expectancy against Income

Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC Four
(Plotting Life Expectancy against income)

More about this programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00wgq0l
Hans Rosling's famous lectures combine enormous quantities of public data with a sport's commentator's style to reveal the story of the world's past, present and future development. Now he explores stats in a way he has never done before - using augmented reality animation. In this spectacular section of 'The Joy of Stats' he tells the story of the world in 200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers - in just four minutes. Plotting life expectancy against income for every country since 1810, Hans shows how the world we live in is radically different from the world most of us imagine.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Free for only 6 more days -5/23- the MOVIE "BOUGHT" about Your Food, Big Pharma & Vaccines


New BOUGHT Documentary Exposes Ugly Truth Behind Vaccines, GMO's and Big Pharma...

Join us for this FREE online screening event of Bought!
The event features a FREE screening of BOUGHT the film
PLUS bonus interviews with well respected health experts,
leaders of the movement, and other great bonus footage.

Free for only 9 more days- the MOVIE "BOUGHT" about Your Food, Big Pharma & Vaccines 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Liposomal Vitamin C: The Miracle Swine Flu (& Leukemia) Cure (60 Minutes) "Living Proof"

Doctors treating Aukland farmer Alan Smith had decided it was time to turn his life support machine off, until a timely intervention by his family and Vitamin C, saved his life.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

VIDEO- RFK Jr. -Confirmed CDC Corruption - Dangers of Mercury & Aluminum in Vaccines - Big Pharma hides truth

The CDC has been confirmed by our own Government- By 4 different Gov't agencies' RECENT investigations as being "owned" by Big Pharma. 

Suspicious- HBO only posts the first 2 min of the 10 minute interview officially - have to go OFF you tube to find full interview linked HERE. (5/5/2015) You'll see why they censored it when you watch the full video.

My two cents:

Society is in a sad state...you take something with the potential for some temporary good but potential for toxicity, injury, and death as well and put it in the hands of corporations (Big Pharma) overseen by a corrupt agency (CDC) and take away all product liability for injury or death from vaccines and you've got a recipe for what continues to be a growing disaster. 
Vaccines are not safe enough and should not be one-size-fits-all and ALL vaccines should not (as not all vax are for communicable diseases) I repeat ALL should NOT be mandated for everyone especially babies and children especially with NO option to DELAY any - which would spread out the stress (so called "Immune-response")  that they have to cause to be even slightly effective with out overburdening potentially susceptible immune systems. It's not uncommon for an infant to receive 6-8 vaccinations at one visit! 

Sadly- No one is trying to find out and screen out the susceptible children before vaccination- that is beyond wrong!

Medical Doctors are NOT taught in Medical School anything in depth about vaccines- mainly just the CDC schedule and the "importance" of staying on it.

Most so called "anti-vaxers" are actually parents who did trust their doctors and vaccines until one or more of their children were injured, disabled, or killed by vaccines.

The number of vaccines kids get today is nothing like you or your children got 25 - 30 - 40 - 50+ years ago. The number of vaccines required went up exponentially after the liability was removed in 1986 by Reagan 

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on. 
Vaccines are a cash cow- no liability, huge market, great reputation to those who don't actually research for INDEPENDENT sources of science. Did you realize that exemptions (or homeschool options) are currently almost always an option as far as attending school. (But exemptions are under attack - bills are written and being funded by BIG PHARMA & then sponsored/ "authored" by politicians receiving HUGE political contributions from the same.)

The FDA rubber-stamps the Big Pharma corporation's vaccine safety studies (if any are done at all- research the flu vax' package insert- apparently no time for efficacy, safety or carcinogenic studies for the yearly vaccine) and the FDA does not independently check for safety!
Here's the video you must see- only 10 minutes- listen to RFK Jr name the 4 Official Government Agencies - four different agencies-  that have done recent investigations into the CDC and their results - PROVEN corruption!

REVIEW from age of autism. "thank-you-bill-maher-for-tipping-over-sacred-cow-of-vaccination"

Picture- RFK Jr & Bill Maher on Real Time 4/2015

RFK Jr - "One of the greatest Environmental Crusaders" Dangers of Mercury- still in many vaccines

Monday, May 4, 2015

VIDEO-History of Modern Medicine & the Cancer Pandemic

Unless you know how things were until the last hundred years or so & why they changed- you or someone you love might become another victim of today's medical system

The Quest for the (Cancer) Cures...Continues- Episode 1- Modern Medicine & the Cancer Pandemic

Sunday, May 3, 2015

VIDEO-Diseases DON'T Just Happen- Dr. L. Day

Diseases Don't Just Happen Pt 1 of 4- VIDEO

Parts 1, 2 ,3 & 4 are here

Diseases DONT Just Happen says Lorraine Day, M.D.
And drugs never cure disease:
they only change the form or location of the disease.
Dr. Lorraine Day developed severe advanced cancer and almost died - which became her supreme motivating factor for finding out how to get well. She recovered by natural methods, without chemotherapy, radiation or mutilating surgery. In the process of her research, she discovered that there are known causes for virtually every disease, even though this is never taught to doctors in medical school.
In this video Dr. Day reveals the causes for the diseases listed below as well as many others, and gives the astonishing answers on how to get well - without drugs! In addition, she exposes the disastrous side effects of the drugs used to treat these disorders. Discover the cause of your disease and find out how to get well!
  High blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease

  Cancer: all types including leukemia and AIDS
  Arthritis, lupus and sciatica
  Allergies, asthma and bronchitis
  Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's
  Stomach ulcers and diseases of the colon
  Special problems of women including menopause and osteoporosis
  Flu, colds, headaches, chronic fatigue syndromefibromyalgia and many other diseases

VIDEO- Burzynski- A Cure for Brain Cancer- now w/ FDA support -Texas- "Cancer is Serious Business"


Burzynski, the Movie is an internationally award-winning documentary originally released in 2010 (with an Extended Edition released in 2011) that tells the true story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history.

His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009 and has been given permission by the FDA to begin the final phase of FDA testing--randomized controlled clinical trials. 

When Antineoplastons are approved, it will mark the first time in history a single scientist, not a pharmaceutical company, will hold the exclusive patent and distribution rights on a paradigm-shifting medical breakthrough.

Antineoplastons are responsible for curing some of the most incurable forms of terminal cancer. Various cancer survivors are presented in the film who chose these medicines instead of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation - with full disclosure of medical records to support their diagnosis and recovery - as well as systematic (non-anecdotal) FDA-supervised clinical trial data comparing Antineoplastons to other available treatments—which is published within the peer-reviewed medical literature. 

One form of cancer - diffuse, intrinsic, childhood brainstem glioma has never before been cured in any scientifically controlled clinical trial in the history of medicine. Antineoplastons hold the first cures in history - dozens of them. 

[ Read completely Phase 2 clinical trial reports and other pee-reviewed data on Antineoplastons: http://burzynskimovie.com/index.php/c... ]

This documentary takes the audience through the treacherous, yet victorious, 14-year journey both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons. 

Dr. Burzynski resides and practices medicine in Houston, Texas. He was able to initially produce and administer his discovery without FDA-approval from 1977-1995 because the state of Texas at this time did not require that Texas physicians be required to adhere to Federal law in this situation. This law has since been changed. 

As with anything that changes current-day paradigms, Burzynski's ability to successfully treat incurable cancer with such consistency has baffled the industry. Ironically, this fact had prompted numerous investigations by the Texas Medical Board, who relentlessly took Dr. Burzynski as high as the state supreme court in their failed attempt to halt his practices. 

Likewise, the Food and Drug Administration engaged in four Federal Grand Juries spanning over a decade attempting to indict Dr. Burzynski, all of which ended in no finding of fault on his behalf. Finally, Dr. Burzynski was indicted in their 5th Grand Jury in 1995, resulting in two federal trials and two sets of jurors finding him not guilty of any wrongdoing. If convicted, Dr. Burzynski would have faced a maximum of 290 years in a federal prison and $18.5 million in fines. 

However, what was revealed a few years after Dr. Burzynski won his freedom, helps to paint a more coherent picture regarding the true motivation of the United States government's relentless persecution of Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D.

Note: When Antineoplastons are approved for public use, it will allow a single scientist to hold an exclusive right to manufacture and sell these medicines on the open market—potentially leaving the pharmaceutical industry absent in profiting from the most effective gene-targeted cancer treatment the world has ever seen.
Published on youtube on Nov 4, 2012

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS PROJECT, BUY THE DVD (only $8.99 with coupon code: "burz51" ) @ http://estore.burzynskimovie.com

2015 UPDATE: Read completed Phase 2 clinical trial reports and other peer-reviewed data on Antineoplastons: http://burzynskimovie.com/index.php/c...

The director of this documentary has just released his 3rd documentary: "Second Opinion: Laetrile At Sloan-Kettering": http://www.secondopinionfilm.com/

Watch "Burzynski" without opening ads that cut off the opening of the film here: https://vimeo.com/24821365

In 2013, "PART II" to this story was released, see it here: http://estore.burzynskimovie.com/

Get both DVDs & more info http://www.burzynskimovie.com


Donate as little as $1.00 to the film series by going here: https://www.burzynskimovie.com/index....

Directed by Eric Merola

Former Cattle Rancher- Won't Eat Meat- VIDEO Howard Lyman- Video

OPRAH & HOWARD were SUED by the Cattle Industry in 1998 REMEMBER?

With Howard Lyman, According to the 4th generation rancher-turned-vegan, food-safety activist and author Howard Lyman, your fork may be the most dangerous weapon in existence.Take a behind-the scenes look at the dark side of raising beef for profit, and the impact of the beef cattle business on the environment, health and ethics. After hearing Howard on her TV show discussing practices that he believes led to Mad Cow Disease, Oprah was so repulsed she exclaimed that she would never again eat another hamburger. Hear Howard's extraordinary tale as he explores America in crisis and demonstrates how we are destroying our environment and becoming the sickest nation in the world. In 1979, when a rare spinal tumor caused a then 380-pound Howard Lyman to be paralyzed from the waist down with a one-in-a-million chance of walking again, he had 7,000 head of cattle, 12,000 acres of crops and 30 employees. His healing led him to organic farming

The day I heard this talk in person I became a Vegan (3/17/2001)

VIDEO--Cure for Cancer and Deg. Diseases-HIGHLY RATED Documentary on GERSON THERAPY "Dying to have Known"-

Video- Dying to Have Known

"In DYING TO HAVE KNOWN, filmmaker Steve Kroschel went on a 52-day journey to find evidence to the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy - a long-suppressed natural cancer cure. His travels take him across both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, from upstate New York to San Diego to Alaska, from Japan and Holland to Spain and Mexico. In the end, he presents the testimonies of patients, scientists, surgeons and nutritionists who testify to the therapy's efficacy in curing cancer and other degenerative diseases, and presents the hard scientific proof to back up their claims. You will hear from a Japanese medical school professor who cured himself of liver cancer over 15 years ago, a lymphoma patient who was diagnosed as terminal over 50 years ago as well as noted critics of this world-renowned healing method who dismiss it out of hand as "pure quackery." So the question that remains is, "Why is this powerful curative therapy still suppressed, more than 75 years after it was clearly proven to cure degenerative disease?" The viewers are left to decide for themselves."


Skip to/ at min 4:10 to hear briefly about vaccines- WOW-Learn what the daughter of a World Renowned Immunologist does regarding vaccinating her children.

Karen's Classic So CA Raw Food Info Website

My classic Raw Food and Holistic Health website on THE Internet Archive

RECIPES: Exceptionally Healthy, EASY & Delicious

 healthy food when done well- which does NOT have to be time-consuming or difficult is surprisingly more delicious than processed food!

My Raw vegan recipes board on pinterest

My BEST recipes- on my former website's archive

Friday, May 1, 2015

Cutting edge info that's mostly hidden by mainstream media

You can peruse my public posts on Facebook to see all of the articles I recommend on all topics.

I've very connected to the alternative and/or holistic communities so you will likely learn many important things from here first.

BONUS: BTW- if I say something is funny- it's REALLY funny :)

Click here to see My public links on my personal Facebook page

Health Archive- posted 2008-2015

My 20 FB Health Blog posts aka "Notes"- 2008-2015

Click here to see My Facebook Blogs

My VIDEO-Surprising Benefits of RAW FOOD- (my public lecture)- 5/5 STARS- 40K views

Strengthen immune system, gain energy, need less sleep, look younger, heal faster- achieve optimum health. Learn how to lose weight effortlessly while eating lots of FAT. 

FYI-The healthy fat releases the stored bad fats (that hold toxins)

My lecture on Incredible Health from eating UNPROCESSED RAW Veg foods-over 40K views

Awesome -standing room only public lecture at health food store (Mother's Market) in The O.C., CA

consistent FIVE STARS ratings on the now defunct Google Video- republished to Youtube in 2008

A Must see!!


Below is a flyer for one of my talks at Wild Oats in Laguna Beach, CA (now owned by Whole Foods)

Truth about Vaccines-LOTS OF INFO

Informative video about vaccines.

To start this blog off I'd like to reference my VACCINE INFO library of 100+ internet articles (most with links to original scientific or gov't sources) I've amassed on the short and long-term dangers & overblown value of vaccines- many written by our Gov't or credible Medical Societies or Institutions. Check them out!


NOTE: If you don't belong to pinterest and won't take the minute to join that free site you can peruse my public health posts on Facebook to see (even more) of the articles I recommend. It's not as fast but you will see more info. My public links on my personal Facebook page

They also are linked from TWITTER but many titles are missing 

Two large SAMPLES of available articles can be seen below 

UPDATED/Section added on 5/5

Here's some of what I have to say (very briefly) about vaccines:
Society is in a sad state...you take something with the potential for some temporary good but potential for toxicity, injury, and death as well and put it in the hands of corporations (Big Pharma) overseen by a corrupt agency (CDC) and take away all product liability for injury or death from vaccines and you've got a recipe for what continues to be a growing disaster. 
Vaccines are not safe enough and should not be one-size-fits-all and ALL vaccines should not (as not all vax are for communicable diseases) I repeat ALL should NOT be mandated for everyone especially babies and children especially with NO option to DELAY any - which would spread out the stress (so called "Immune-response")  that they have to cause to be even slightly effective with out overburdening potentially susceptible immune systems. It's not uncommon for an infant to receive 6-8 vaccinations at one visit! 

Sadly- No one is trying to find out and screen out the susceptible children before vaccination- that is beyond wrong!

Medical Doctors are NOT taught in Medical School anything in depth about vaccines- mainly just the CDC schedule and the "importance" of staying on it.

Most so called "anti-vaxers" are actually parents who did trust their doctors and vaccines until one or more of their children were injured, disabled, or killed by vaccines.

The number of vaccines kids get today is nothing like you or your children got 25 - 30 - 40 - 50+ years ago. The number of vaccines required went up exponentially after the liability was removed in 1986 by Reagan 

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going on. 
Vaccines are a cash cow- no liability, huge market, great reputation to those who don't actually research for INDEPENDENT sources of science. Did you realize that exemptions (or homeschool options) are currently almost always an option as far as attending school. (But exemptions are under attack - bills are written and being funded by BIG PHARMA & then sponsored/ "authored" by politicians receiving HUGE political contributions from the same.)

The FDA rubber-stamps the Big Pharma corporation's vaccine safety studies (if any are done at all- research the flu vax' package insert- apparently no time for efficacy, safety or carcinogenic studies for the yearly vaccine) and the FDA does not independently check for safety!

Two large SAMPLES of available SUPPORTING articles can be seen below